La edicion de primavera de la revista Air Traffic Management comenta el reciente informe de la PRC sobre la evolucion del proyecto SES.
La PRC se muestra muy critica con el desarrollo, por ejemplo: "At the European level overall, there is no guarantee that the SES in its current form will produce tangible performance improvements in respect of efficiency and thus address effectively the key current issues in air traffic management,.."
Acerca de los FABs: "The current initiatives on FABs [functional airspace blocks] are not providing evidence of likely performance improvements in terms of safety and efficiency."
Acerca de la supuesta mejora que suponen los FAB la revista recoge declaraciones de un senior ASNP manager "Approximately 90% of the benefits could be put down to greater cooperation between the Irish Aviation Authority and NATS — and these could be achieved without the creation of an airspace block,"
La cooperacion civil militar: "Member States should make the necessary efforts to implement effectively their statement on military issues attached to the Single European Sky regulation. This requires a strong commitment and may necessitate financial support in some circumstances. Furthermore, quantified indicators ... should be developed ... to assess the progress made,"
Referente a la burocratizacion y el exceso de legislacion, segun Keith Williams miembro de la PRC dice en el articulo. "There's more ways to get improvements achieved than simply legislating for them." "Regulations should only be introduced if a system isn't functioning. Working in Brussels, I know that it's an easy temptation to feel that the best approach is a legislative one. But that isn't called for here."
La nota de prensa emitida por eurocontrol es bastante mas optimista "This report proves that we took the right initiative with the Single European Sky, but we still have some way to go,"
De todo esto se puede deducir que el proyecto avanza lentamente y que las trabas que hay que superar son muchas. Lo que mas me llama la atencion del informe del PRC es la denuncia de la falta de definicion del FAB y de su utilidad hasta el momento. Un saludo
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